S. No. |
Class XI |
S. No. |
Class XII |
1. |
Physical world and measurement |
1. |
Electrostatics |
2. |
Kinematics |
2. |
Current Electricity |
3. |
Laws of Motion |
3. |
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism |
4. |
Work, Energy and Power |
4. |
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents |
5. |
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body |
5. |
Electromagnetic Waves |
6. |
Gravitation |
6. |
Ray Optics |
7. |
Properties of Bulk Matter |
7. |
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation |
8. |
Heat and Thermodynamics |
8. |
Atoms and Nuclei |
9. |
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory |
9. |
Electronic Devices |
10. |
Oscillations and Waves |
11. |
Modern Physics |